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Trash Talk - Hi-Fi Way ★★★★★

Tash York is back baby! Trash Talk is her latest show where the costumes are bigger and bolder (recycled being the theme this year with the use of old Coles shopping bags), the hair is longer and redder than a classy bottle of Pinot Noir and she brought along the finest vintages at the Fringe – the Red Red Wines Vivian Fontaine and June Bag. You go girls!

York could’ve just written off 2020 but instead she wrote her best show yet! Even though she’d been quarantining for so long (sorry Melbourne people) she had to learn how to be human again. There’s a few things she didn’t forget and that’s how to entertain and make us laugh. Oh, and scull wine.

During the lockdown York bonded with the internet which lucky for us produced a hilarious bunch of her signature song parodies and some new originals. You won’t forget her freshest rap about 2020, Get in the Bin or the craziest rendition of The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Cat Lady Blues was a classic ditty Tash York about her three cats and you will hear the most Karen-est song you’ve ever heard to the tune of Don’t Call Me Baby.

The best part of the show was the 5 Year Plan. The audience yells out a plan for each year then York improvises lyrics to the answers while the Red Red Wines have to come up with an appropriate tune. Side splitting and hilarious. On this night we had the most hilarious version of a ‘tittie’ song. Yes, someone yell out getting their breasts enlarged. Seriously, anything goes at this show. No boundaries. No limits.

As one happy Tash York fan said as they were leaving the venue “She’s edgier this year.” Well, if you were in lockdown for nine months, you’d be edgier too! There you go, that could’ve been the whole review kids; Tash York is edgier this year!



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