How come kids always know what they wanna be when they 'grow up'?
After years of being a professional fairy, Natasha York (These Things Take Wine, Impromptunes) doesn’t know who’s in control anymore – the fairy or her. In this outrageous show where her two worlds combine, come and see how the fairy party should really go - without any kids around!
York is on an undertaking to find out why being a grown up sucks through party games, her tales of life as a children’s entertainer and even some magic (ooooo).
DO: expect pass the parcel, glitter and alcohol.
DON’T: expect free fairy bread.
Featuring the music of party favourites like 'Incy Wincy Spider', 'Ring Around The Rosy' and of course the one hit wonder 'Happy Birthday'. It’s time to be reacquainted with your inner child.
'Natasha York, such a fabulous cabaret artist... delightfully witty and fun.' - Melb Arts Fash
'Natasha came to the party hungover, smelling of booze and it looked like her hair hadn’t seen a brush in weeks.' – Disgruntled Mother of the Birthday Girl
we'll also be displaying the entries at The Butterfly Club