For many of us, 2020 was a year that forced us to slow down. For others, it offered the opportunity for personal growth and self care at its zenith. But for all intents and purposes, I think we can collectively agree that it was definitely a year worth chucking into the garbage bin where it truly belongs.
That's exactly what Tash York's show Trash Talk is all about. Supported by her delightful duo Matthew Hadgraft and Vivian Fonteyn that make up The Red Red Wines, the audiences are treated to a solid hour of colorful cabaret and bopping tunes to original renditions of well-known songs that are graciously peppered with anecdotes related to that #pandemiclyf.
Exploring topics of interest including being a mum to three cats, personifying the generation of Karens,having far too many nuggets stuffed in a bra, smashing the toxic positivity to the ground, and Marie Kondo-ing your mental health to be free of any useless clutter to be reborn as a human being in this era, Tash's show offers audiences with a brilliant balance of lighthearted fun and poignant affirmations that will take you on an emotional roller coaster of fits of laughter followed by happy tears from resonating with her content in the deepest of crevices of your heart.
One of the signature styles that make up for a quintessential Tash York show is her ability to improvise one (or several) short songs that are inspired by suggestions from the audience. Given the theme of the show, we collectively came up with a five-year plan post-pandemic and the way Tash is able to weave these diverse elements into her original musical style surpasses her talent to create a form of musical art on the spot.
2020 may have dramatically affected the lives of many, but it hasn't stopped Tash York from unleashing her level of creativity to navigate through this new world of entertainment. Her creative personality allows her to shine through the tumultuous ride that the pandemic-ridden world. She inspires us all to reflect and re-evaluate our priorities and throw all the junk that usually takes up far too much space in our lives. Expect some cheeky banter, quality zinger, fun lyrics to sing along to, and a ton of heartfelt memorable moments to encompass what has shaped to be a wholesome show that ends with everyone feeling like a thoroughly treasured tribe.
